Become part of our volunteer community!
Providing opportunities to volunteer is at the heart of what we do. It’s a great way to meet new people, to gain or share skills, to have new experiences and make a difference.
Green Shop and Cafe
Get to know our community via our shop of ethical and local produce, plastic free solutions and refill options. Your help keeps our customers informed and our doors open to the public.
Green Volunteering
Want to share your passion for the environment? You could write a blog, help with a campaign or one of our projects, or bring your own experience and ideas to help develop what we do and who we reach.
Urban Garden
Got green fingers? Our urban garden requires attention year round. From watering and weeding to pruning and cleaning. We run weekly drop in sessions, check out our events page for dates.
What Our Volunteers Are Doing
Sharing my experience of settling in Swansea
Hello, everyone, I am blog writer with journalism studies and social media experience who is interested in bringing to the society a way to help themselves and others, trying to get together as a community to live in harmony and to help the environment since it is our future depending on it.
The reason for this blog is to help the people in the community to know how to contribute with the environment and how to help themselves in this time with the economy, survival techniques and to save, to keep green areas and to increase the natural areas to get food from them, to reduce the climate crisis hoping this will have a good impact in the short and long term.
Starting Veg Hub
“I moved to Swansea from Manchester last year where, despite being a big city, there was no organisation like the Environment Centre and no organic veg box schemes from local growers. A group of friends I was involved with had talked about trying to start up a zero waste shop/radical centre in Manchester, and had progressed to the point of looking for funding. When I arrived in Swansea it was a natural thing for me to get involved with the Environment Centre here, as they already had a community zero waste shop, I was also keen to find out more about their initiatives in Swansea. It is an alternative space, and it does act as a bit of a retreat, a space where you feel your own values and sensibilities towards the living world can be nurtured and protected somewhat from the ravages of the wider culture. For me, that sense of having a space where I can meet with like minded people who share similar values was really important.
I found a local grower when I moved here who delivered to Swansea, and so I signed up. After a few months of volunteering one afternoon a week in the Centre shop, and of having conversations with the growers who delivered my organic veg, I realised that the Environment Centre was the ideal organisation to help support local organic growers, and so I came up with the idea of the Veg Hub as a win-win for both the Centre, the people who come to the Centre, and local growers. So I emailed a proposal to the staff at the Centre, and they were all very keen and enthusiastic, and put aside staff time to help the scheme get going.”
What Our Volunteers Say
Asha’s Experience
“Volunteering at The Environment Centre has given me so many opportunities to meet new people, get involved with local projects and learn new skills. There was a warm welcome from day one and I love seeing the difference we make to the environment through the different projects and areas of volunteering on offer.
No matter how much time you can offer, a little or a lot, there's always something interesting happening to dive straight into and a supportive team to work with.”
Asha, Admin Volunteer, 1.5 years
Get In Touch
All regular volunteer roles will require you to complete an Application Form, including providing references and meeting with us to discuss your interests, but we promise to be friendly and welcoming whatever your skills or background.
Not sure you’re ready to sign up as a volunteer? You can try our drop-in gardening or litter picking if you’d like to get to know us better.
Please fill out the contact form and we’ll get in touch with you shortly.
Remember to tell us which volunteer role(s) you are interested in.