Harvest surplus fruit, to give to local food-sharing initiatives.
We are always looking for volunteers. If you'd like to volunteer as a fruit picker, deliver fruit, or even drive our fantastic e-cargo bike you can sign up here.
Register your tree
If you have a tree you'd like picked or fruit you'd like to share, you can register on the Cyfoeth Y Coed website and we will contact you to arrange a visit.
Cyfoeth Y Coed Website
CYC has its own website where you can find out more about the project, get involved as a volunteer, register your tree or get in contact if you run a group in need of a delivery of fresh fruit.
Cyfoeth Y Coed is Welsh for "The Riches of The Trees." The project harvests surplus apples, and other tree fruit, and donates them to FareShare Cymru who distributes them to local food-sharing groups like food banks, Matt's Cafe and the Community Fridge. During the harvest season, FareShare picks up fruit once a week from the Environment Centre. Working with volunteers, CYC diverts fruit that has previously been discarded as garden waste to create a new, low-carbon food source for Swansea.
Although there are many similar fruit-picking groups in Britain, CYC is the first to use Gleanweb, the specialized database designed to manage gleaning projects. Gleanweb's creator is Dick Yates, who is based in Salem, Oregon, in the US. Dick very generously donated his time to set up CYC's website and graciously took on the challenge of incorporating pages in Welsh into the site's design.
If you have a tree you'd like picked or fruit you'd like to share you can register on the website and someone will contact you.
If you'd like to volunteer you can sign up on the website too.
Get in touch with Cyfoeth Y Coed.
If you want to find out more about Cyfoeth Y Coed, volunteer, register a tree or just want to chat fruit please do get in touch
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