The BIG Climate Leap engages community groups and individuals across Swansea to educate on climate change and develop action plans to reduce carbon footprints.
Lots of small steps adds up to one BIG leap
Welcome to the Big Climate Leap website! For the next 5 years we aim to mobilise as much of Swansea as we can to develop action plans to reduce their carbon footprint and to work together towards a sustainable city. On this site you will find everything you need to know about the project and how you can get involved.
The BIG Climate Leap is our response to the urgency of climate change. It is how we plan to mobilise the community of Swansea to move with us to the sustainable world we all know we are capable of. By taking part, you or your community group will be joining the many others embarking on a journey to a better world.
Project Overview
The BIG Climate Leap takes the learning from 15 years of community carbon reduction projects across the UK and brings together the best practices into one ambitious project.
The project aims to engage community groups and individuals across the Swansea to increase awareness of climate change and to develop action plans to reduce their carbon footprint.
Carbon Action Plans: we want to work with community groups to help them to develop carbon action plans to reduce the carbon footprint of the group and the group members. We have dedicated Project Officers who have the time and resources to spend with groups to help guide them through this process and to provide training and support as and where needed.
Carbon Footprinting: for those groups who want to step up and and go the extra mile we will be doing more in depth work that involves a full carbon footprint and producing a comprehensive plan to reduce that footprint over 5 years, by as much as 25%.
Climate Leaders: we plan to work with all those individuals in Swansea who are keen to get more engaged on climate change and the environment by providing a yearly training programme that takes each person on a journey to becoming a climate leader. We’ll also provide a wide range of practical training sessions to support groups undertake informed action.
Future Swansea: we would like to help visualise a future Swansea that people will want to be a part of and that will inspire people to want to work towards that better world. We believe this is essential if we are to unite large numbers of people to tackle climate change.
You can find out more about the specific parts of the project by clicking on the links below.
Are you a community group interested in being part of the project? Visit our Carbon Action Planning page.
We work with community groups to help them to develop plans to reduce their carbon footprints.
We have a dedicated Project Manager to help guide you through this process and provide training and support as and where needed.
If you are a community group and you are really motivated to reduce your carbon footprint, then visit the Carbon Footprinting page.
For groups who want to step up and go the extra mile, we’ll be doing more in depth work that involves a full carbon footprint and producing a detailed plan to reduce that footprint over 5 years, by as much as 25%.
Do you know what action you want to take, but need some training on how best to do this?
Quite often we know what to do, but not always how to do it. We’ll develop a training programme of practical support to help groups take action, from tree planting to installing solar PVs. We’d love to hear more about the training you need.
If you're an individual and interested in learning more about the climate crisis and what people can do, then please visit the Climate Leaders page.
We’re developing an innovative climate learning programme. This will include, talks, workshops, film showings, group discussions and more.
Want to learn more about climate change, what it means for us, how we need to change in order to prevent it, and what happens if we don’t?
We have put together a range of information to help you understand the seriousness of climate change and what we can do about it.
Do you want to get involved in developing a vision for a future Swansea that is environmentally and socially sustainable?
Share your ideas and views with us.
Let’s work together
If you or your group share our vision for Swansea then we hope you will get in touch and join the project. It would be great to see a united front of individuals and groups working together, so please do get in touch and fill out the form below.
The Story So Far….
September 2022
November 2022
After a successful Expression of Interest, The Environment Centre submits a bid to The National Lottery Sustainable Steps fund, with a focus on helping community groups take action to lower their carbon emissions.
Working with Swansea Council, The Environment Centre surveyed hundreds of community groups throughout Swansea to learn about their needs, opinions and approaches to the environment, carbon literacy and sustainability.
The Environment Centre receives £350,000 over 5 years from The National Lottery Community to deliver an exciting new project helping community groups with carbon footprints, action planning and training to become leaders in climate action and make real reductions to carbon emissions.
The Big Climate Leap is launched to an audience of enthusiastic individuals and groups keen to support the project and find out more about this exciting project to help communities take climate action.
Year 2 has officially begins with a round of recruiting new groups into the project that we will work with for the remainder of the year, and some of which for the next 4 years! We also run the first workshop of our 26 workshop program, and the BIG Climate Leap project staff move into their plush new office in the Environment Centre building.
The project staff are employed and the groundwork for the project has been laid. The first set of groups are brought into the project, the website is finalised, lots of documents are drawn up, and the first batch of trainings and workshops are delivered.