Candle Making

 With the support of Small Woods, Race Council and SCVS there was an activity in Kilvey Hill to teach the community survival techniques to help them in case there is an emergency, or this could also be used as a solution to a different need.  

We learnt how to make candles that can last not just for a little time but instead for a long time, they could last around 5 hours, but you have to be very careful and put them outdoors always, because of the flame is very powerful and it can reach high altitude, also make sure to keep everyone safe, specially the kids around if there is any if you happen to make it or use it.  

First you can put some wax from candle to melt in a saucepan trying to calculate the amount you will need.  

Secondly, you cut some cardboard the same high of the metal container that you will use and leave one part of it vertical to be able to put fire on it when it is ready. 


Third, recycled cleaned tuna tins can be used to pour the hot melted wax on it and let it cool.  


Now you are ready to use it when you need it.  


Natural inspiration 


Creative Fun Recycling